Break free from legacy backup with Veeam

Veeam provides Modern Data Protection and a single platform for cloud, virtual, SaaS, Kubernetes and physical workloads, eliminating the need to settle for legacy backup solutions.

With flexible, reliable, and powerful capabilities ─ matched with a simple, portable subscription licensing model (Veeam Universal License ─ VUL) that can evolve with you ─ customers are confident their data is protected and always available.

Thanks to our software-defined and hardware agnostic platform, with over a decade consistently delivering industry-first capabilities and world-class customer support, you can see why hundreds of thousands of loyal, satisfied customers across the globe have chosen Veeam.

Tired of the lack of capabilities from SMB Backup Vendors?

Although SMB backup vendors may offer benefits such as very low prices and simplicity at first, they lack the flexibility or functionality necessary to tailor data protection to most organizations’ needs. They often do not offer the scalability needed as those organizations grow.

Here are 5 Reasons to Choose Veeam® over SMB Backup Vendors

Veeam benefits

SMB vendors limitations

Single platform
Complete platform
Simplify data protection by using a single platform for cloud, virtual, SaaS, Kubernetes, and physical workloads. Do more with your data as the Veeam platform extends beyond core backup and recovery.
Limited platform
Unnecessary complexity, as the platform commonly supports fewer workloads, requiring separate 3rd party tools for the non‑supported workloads. No ability to do more with your solution than basic backup and recovery.
Protection flexibility
The proper protection for each workload
Deliver the appropriate RPO for each workload thanks to multiple protection methods. Properly protect applications thanks to agentless application‑awareness for a broad set of applications.
Inflexible protection
RPOs below 1 hour are typically difficult to meet, especially for critical data. Properly protecting all workloads is a challenge due to limited application support.
Recovery flexibility
Many recovery options
Minimize business downtime by recovering data in the way that makes the most sense, no matter the kind of data loss thanks to the broadest set of recovery options.
Limited recovery options
Limited ability to minimize downtime after data loss, as data may not be recoverable exactly as needed by an organization, often due to limited recovery options and manual steps.
Customer services
Resources that enable autonomy
Veeam offers resources that enable independent education and effortless resolution of issues early on. Additionally, Veeam has over 4,400 backup experts ready to help if needed.
Limited user resources and services
Spend more time learning about the solution capabilities, setting them up and fixing issues, as SMB vendors typically offer few educational and troubleshooting resources.
Scalability from SMB to Enterprise
Scale with confidence. Easily set Veeam up with a few clicks in small environments and scale easily when data, workloads or even sites are added.
Poor scalability
Face challenges managing data protection as data grows. SMB vendors’ solutions are typically cumbersome to manage across sites or for large amounts of data, due to a rigid architecture or lack of advanced capabilities.

Veeam is the choice for more than 400K organizations around the world.

of Fortune 500 1
Gartner Peer Insights
Star Distinction 2
Meet V11A!

Cloud-native Backup built‑in for AWS, Azure and Google

Reliable Ransomware Protection

Continuous Data Protection (CDP)

Increased Cloud Security

Kubernetes-native Backup

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  1. Veeam Leads Cloud Data Management Market as it Kicks Off 2019 with Q1 Double‑Digit Growth
  2. 2018 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Data Center Backup and Recovery Solutions, as of 05/29/2019 based on 696 ratings. Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individual end‑user reviews, ratings, and data applied against a documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute an endorsement by, Gartner or its affiliates.