
Maverick* Research: You Will Be Hacked, So Embrace the Breach

Why Organizations Should Focus On Resilience and Prevention

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Cybersecurity breaches are inevitable.
Instead of striving to prevent breaches, focus on resilience and embrace hacks as incidents to learn from

Read the Gartner Maverick* Research: You Will Be Hacked, So Embrace the Breach report and find out:

  • Why the belief that cybersecurity breaches can be avoided is false, as breaches still happen on a large scale despite the investments
  • How hacks have shifted toward operational environments in all industries, extending the threat from the cyber‑world to the physical world
  • Why cybersecurity priorities must shift from defensive strategies to the management of disruption through resilience
  • How to hire the right cybersecurity leaders and build cyber‑resilient organizations
  • Which models to adopt moving forward to reduce business damage

Gartner, Maverick* Research: You Will Be Hacked, So Embrace the Breach, Michael Kelley, Katell Thielemann, David Gregory, 9 December 2022, Published 21 July 2021. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.