

Ransomware Trends

Lessons learned from 1,200 victims and 2,500 cyberattacks

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Ransomware is Inevitable. Plan Ahead.

We surveyed 1,200 CISOs, security professionals, and backup administrators whose organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack in 2023.

  • 96%

    of ransomware attacks targeted backup repositories

  • 32%

    of the financial impact to an organization is attributed to the ransom payment

  • 43%

    of affected data won’t be recoverable.

  • 27%

    of organizations that paid the ransom still could not recover even after paying.

Coordination is Critical

A lack of integration between backup and cybersecurity tools was the #1 reason for misalignment.

  • Backup and Cyber Security Teams Aren’t Aligned

    63% of organizations believe a significant or complete overhaul is needed between IT and cybersecurity teams

  • Misalignment Can Lead to Re‑Infection

    63% of organizations restored directly back into their production environment, without proper scanning by IT teams